Boa Madrugada! Hoje é 14 de Março de 2025

Sensual Fantasies - 50 Shades Of Seduction


Version in English - apple / amazon




To fantasize is to give wings for imagination, is going beyond your own limits, stimulating your feelings and sensations and deepening your relationship with your partner. These sensual fantasies can be performed in order to win him over and also to keep your loved with you.

I’m a writer and sensual arts teacher for the “Goddess of Love” workshop and one of my favorite courses is about sensual costumes. I love my job and I’ve acquired a great affection for this subject through the years. I’ve found that, way beyond entertainment, the healthy practice of these sensual performances is an excellent therapeutic resource for sex life. As a professional of health area, I’ve also dedicated my life to the study and research about prevention and improvement of sexual health. My goal is to help people to have a better life quality and be happier in sex. It’s always a joy to teach and learn with students and readers. It’s also gratifying to know about the positive results after the reading of our books and trainings. I thank, from my heart, everybody for the care and friendship.

Nowadays, it grows more and more the number of professionals who work in the sexuality area. They are researchers, professors, doctors, businessmen, etc., who act on this important field connected to health and life quality. By working on a similar area, we’ve met and made friends with many of these people and, one way or another, we know, through the testimony of many delicate, comic and embarrassing situations involving these professionals, who still today are discriminated by relatives and neighbors. Many of our friends, and even myself, have been through so many amazing situations that would give an awesome book or movie, I’d call it “The Sex Professionals”. Today e can take it easier and even smile when people… let’s say, think or make “small confusions” thinking we are someway different, abnormal, liberal and so on…

Many things have changed after the turn of the century, but we know that people who work or own sex shops still don’t escape from the “comments”, and many of these people even laugh about it. The good side of all this is that the erotic sector establishes itself more and more, breaking old limitations and joining definitely this new world full of new information about pleasure. The many sensual and erotic costumes factories and confections, as well as the growth of this sector, proves the increase of the search for erotic items.

Today, there are many representatives and salespeople of erotic products in the country, and most of them have been doing great, even if some don’t have their husband or partner’s incentive. They keep on going bravely and persistent, assisting on their family’s income, working to a market that grows: lingerie and erotic costumes and accessories market. But those who know best these “heroes”, know they are people just like everybody else and have their families, ideals and dreams.

The sector connected to sexuality increases knowledge, health and pleasure on a public bigger and bigger and avid for news, as we can see with these growing successes of the market, like “Erotic Fair” in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, United States and Europe. There still is this sinful or perverted aura on the subject, but, as everything in life can be used for good or bad, sex isn’t different. At this special moment, I thanks and congratulate all those who work to bring a happy, creative and healthy sexuality for everybody.

What I desire and ask God is for me to always have wisdom and strength to accomplish this mission of assisting on the “cure” of sex and bringing people these new ways of expressing love. I wish you all love, happiness and success!

Celine Kirei



Pleasures and Fantasies


I invite you to look for creative ways of stimulating your affective life with sensual performances. There are a few suggestions for you to start this path that may lead you to discovering new pleasures. I’ve tried to write on freer way, just like fantasies are: free. Feel comfortable to create your own. The proposal of this book is to facilitate and boost your courage and boldness in order to practice it and serve as a support for students who go to our courses, while the book “Striptease: How to Win a Man Over” that we released recently can extend your knowledge on sensual arts with other techniques and styles, like the “chair dance”, lap dance, erotic dance, etc.

But at this moment that we have to develop the subject “sensual costumes”, I’ll try to incentive more individual creative process with new selected ideas developed to serve as motivation, so that each reader can express freely her desires and creations. Performances and striptease training can bring a lot of benefits. The results are more effective if practiced regularly. Keep this book close to you, it’s important to always practice and surprise your partner. Be sure that the costumes can also bring happiness and unforgettable moments.

“It’s best to be happy than be sad, happiness is the best thing there is” – Vinicius de Moraes.

I added some texts and quotes by writers and poets, great masters of creation who guide our most beautiful dreams and fantasies. I thank for all the great treasures they’ve left.

With sensual fantasies we can heat up to the maximum our relationship our relationship. We might forget an “ordinary” night of sex, but sex heated by an exciting costume is unforgettable. To fantasize with your husband or boyfriend, to surprise the person we love by taking him away from routine. Light the flame of passion and revive all good emotions. These are the greatest gifts we receive when we perform our fantasies.

        Many people are still afraid of their fantasies. They think it’s sinful or perverted. But the performances we are going to suggest are healthy, ludic and fun, and always very spicy. All people and couples of age can benefit from these suggestions on their relationships independently of their sexual orientation. For single women, learning about sensual costumes connects them with their sexuality and power of seduction, preparing them for the moment when they meet “that” especial someone. So it’s worth it to dedicate yourself to the training of performances with costumes and striptease, it naturally improves sensuality, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Creativity is a gift that belongs to the Goddesses of Love. These are women who always want to learn more and improve the art of making love with all their strength and intensity they have in their soul. They are the great lovers that turn sex into a master piece. They are also the greatest gift a man can receive from God.    


Sensual Fantasies Class

This book is based on the new method created for the “Goddess of Love” workshop, for the Sensual Fantasies Course. Through our experience we’ve developed steps in order to make the learning more didactic and easy, always in a dynamic and ludic way.

1st – The importance of the sensual fantasies

2nd – The benefits for sexual health and psychological aspects.

3rd – How to plan it and prepare yourself.

4th – Knowing how to classify the performances and choose it according to each occasion.

5th – Body language and expressions according to the character.

6th – How to develop self-confidence and eliminate shyness in order to boost your sensuality and boldness.

7th – Extend creativity on moves and dance.

8th – Learning poses and gazes that boost seduction.

9th – Training performances, from the ludic and thematic to the most advanced.

10th – Developing fluidity and rhythm, and knowing to create and improvise new sensual performances.



  • Peter Dux Terça, 09 Maio 2017

    the jewel of sex is look what another have on the ride. if you think just you way stay far to real seduction everyone know but they dont do. if my easy explain. have great sex From CHILE.

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Visitante Sexta, 14 Março 2025


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